Injuries Around the Elbow

Injuries Around the Elbow
pain and severe loss of elbow function. Frequently
the injuries could be compound. There may be
associated distal neurovascular deficits and it could
vary from compartment syndrome to gangrene of
the forearm and hand.
Plain X-ray, MRI, CT scan, arteriogram,
Doppler study, etc. are some of the important
investigation methods.
Methods of Treatment
Treatment must be individualized. Various
combinations of internal fixation, external fixation
and traction should be tried. Initial
debridement must be thorough. Primary nerve
repair is indicated if the cut is clean. In crushed
injuries, nerve should be repaired secondarily.
Primary amputation: This is indicated in the
following situations:How many times you are guilty of sitting like this
while traveling? Thank God, you have not landed up with a
“traffic elbow”!
 Radiograph showing traffic elbow.
Radiograph showing reconstruction of
fractures due to traffic elbow
• Irreparable vascular damage and a nonviable
• Segmental disruption of all three nerves around
the elbow.
Nevertheless, it should be remembered that a
pain-free elbow (either stiff or unstable) is better
than amputation.
Injuries Around the Elbow Injuries Around the Elbow Reviewed by Ruhul Amin on October 19, 2019 Rating: 5

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